from Chris Wesley


Hi - some more snippets for you about what's happening at

Want to Join My Insights Panel?

I'm primarily a coach, here to help people, but that inevitably means I'm also a business owner with a need to market my services. I'd like to do that more effectively, and my new focus panel will be invaluable.

The need to understand the disparate views of people was brought home to me a while ago when a website visitor told me my photo made me look like an estate agent, and she'd never accept coaching from someone who looked like that! Hmmm. Brutal, but useful. Well, that photo's no longer around, and that incident prompted me to add the "thumbs up/down" feedback system in my newsletters. They're helpful, but limited. In addition, every newsletter and service has survey feedback opportunities in it, and I get quite a bit, but it's generally very positive, which - though comforting, and great for my testimonials page - is not an instrument for finding powerful change opportunities.

So the Focus Panel will meet that need. Here is the kind of feedback I'm interested in:

  • "That article doesn't work at all for me, because ..."
  • "Why don't you ever write about ..."
  • "I seldom read your newsletters because .."
  • "| wouldn't refer friends to you because ..."
  • "Hey - I just had a great idea - why don't you ..."
  • "I saw this and thought of you. I really liked it and wondered if you could do something similar"
  • "You know, if you could make one of these, I'd buy it in a heart-beat"
  • "I have (or found) a relevant website which you could work with"

Get the idea? In exchange for your valuable insights, I'll give you vouchers which you can exchange for my coaching products and services. I'll decide what an idea's worth, but I'm a generous bloke, and I want to keep your ideas coming, so you can expect between £5 and £50 of vouchers per insight, depending on its merit.

You can submit your insights whenever you have them, or in response to the consulting emails and surveys I'll send out from time to time. Of course, you can leave at any time, and there is no obligation to contribute if you're too busy or have nothing much to say on a given item.

I'll allocate panel members on a first-come, first-served basis. If you'd like to become a member, please reply to this email expressing your interest.

New E-Book for People with Staff at Work

If you manage staff, then chances are you have issues. It's not easy, and it's seldom properly-taught, and the pressures just keep coming, and you have the added joy of succeeding through others; a role which often amounts to responsibility without effective authority. If you harbour resentments towards your staff, or you're run ragged because it's "quicker and easier to just do it yourself" then you're one of the millions who could benefit from my new E-Book.

>> read more about the book

New E-Book: How to Generate Ideas

How to Generate Ideas is a comprehensive, easy to understand E-Book guide on how to generate and evaluate ideas for any topic or challenge. It contains proven workshop techniques for individuals and teams. It will enable you to run brainstorms that really deliver results.

>> read more about the book

Coaches - Please Note

Yes, a lot of life coaches are signed up to my newsletter. If you a fully qualified coach, you might want to sign up to appear in my soon-to-appear online coach directory. Joining is free, and I don't think there's a better way to get a presence on page 1 of Google more or less instantly. If you're interested, please reply, expressing your interest.

Instant What's New Updates

People who follow me on twitter or joined my Facebook page already knew this a while ago. If you'd like it sooner, feel free to join one.

To your success.

Chris Wesley

PS: Loads of great stuff on my website here!

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