Ripples on Your Pond
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:firstname: is this you?

You want:

a better working life, love life, to travel the world, to write your book, to launch your business, or to find what's missing!

But you can't have it, because:

You're under-qualified, or too old, or too short(!), or can't afford it, lack motivation, or have the wrong accent, or something else, and anyway it's just a pipe dream.

But really (the coaching insight):

Those blockers are just illusions, although they are very real to you. But if you believe them, you won't have to do anything scary.

It's that simple to understand. But changing it is the tricky part, which is too hard for most of us. It's what life coaching does.

I've written often and at great length on how I do that for my clients, but today's newsletter is going to be really short.

It's also going to be sweet! Spare capacity for me means great deals for you. For the rest of November, new clients can sign on at a fixed price of
£50 per session - saving £20

This is a wonderful time to embrace the challenge. Start here.



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